Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Egg Squiggles

Food is a curious thing.  It can change your mood, comfort you, excite you, challenge you and make you frustrated beyond reason!  Cooking and baking is an experience where you can create, change and modify.  As well as create some lasting memories with those you love.  I love cooking and baking and trying new things, part of which Adventures on the Wing is dedicated too.

Speaking of challenges in cooking and baking...eggs.  A food used for so many different things. It's one of my biggest phobias and completely grosses me out, is taking what I like to call the "egg squiggles" off the yolk before using them.  You know, the white rubbery, ropey, umbilical cord looking things in the eggs?  It's compulsive.  The thought of them in my food makes me want to gag.  Weird, I know.

What I call "squiggles" is actually the chalaza.  Its function is to suspend the yolk in the center of the white.  Whatever they name it, it isn't going in my food.

So, rest assured, all my food involving eggs will blessedly be squiggle-free! 
Look for my first cooking adventure soon!


1 comment:

  1. I too CANNOT stand the thought of those gross things in my eggs. Knowing they are in eggs not prepared by me, turns my stomach! I make a tasty deviled egg to serve with holiday meals or at bbq's, which everyone loves and can't get enough of! But I'm not able to enjoy them now because I know those things are in there. These gross cords seem to be more obvious in recent years or am I wrong? I don't ever recall seeing the "squiggles" during the first 30 years of my life!!
